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Angel water decals review for Born Pretty Store

Hi all, I have been sent some beautiful water nail decals from the popular nail art supplier Born Pretty Store. The water decals I’m about to show you are the cutest little angels I have ever seen and you can find them waiting for you in the store here. The decals came with clear instructions and were very easy to apply. Here they are:

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In my first design I decided to apply the decals on simple accent nail mani to show how the decals turn a simple manicure into a beautiful nail-art like mani. I also added some glitter polish on the tips to make it more heavenish.

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Next I tried to combine the angel decals with nail art. I designed some tiny clouds and stars on my nails and then applied the little angel toddlers. I think that they look adorable in their little nail-heaven! What do you think?

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