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Jessica Golden Hour Collection

Hello! Finally, I have a minute for myself to be able to show you the Jessica Golden Hour Collection which I received last month. This spring is going fast, even though I am not liking the amount of rain we have been getting, and the lack of sun also. Good thing I have these beautiful polishes to bring some warmness and happiness to my life.

Jessica Daylight

On the swatches I am wearing three coats with no top coat.

Jessica Sand

On the swatches I am wearing three coats with no top coat.

Jessica Shadow

On the swatches I am wearing two coats with no top coat.

Jessica Sunglow

On the swatches I am wearing three coats with no top coat.

Jessica Apricot Ice

On the swatches I am wearing three coats with no top coat.

Jessica Dusk

On the swatches I am wearing two coats with no top coat.

Jessica Golden Hour Collection and many other Jessica polishes are available here:

Check out my other Jessica swatches here.

Thanks for reading! xxx

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